Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Jobs in the Performing Arts Industry. Essay Example For Students

Jobs in the Performing Arts Industry. Essay Maintaining instrument, Learning required music. A Musician can work closely with; Actors. Fellow actors may be on stage while the Musician is playing, this means they will share rehearsals together and generally performers spend time backstage with each other, especially if they are touring with each other. They may also give each other feedback, and constructive criticisms Vichy will help improve the individuals performance which will boost the whole shows performance. Dancers/Singers. If the Musician is assisting in providing a backing track for a dance piece or singing piece then the musician and performers will need to work loosely together to construct their performance and rehears it to get it up to a high quality performance. Musical directors. If a show or production features live music it will most probably have a musical director or someone of that sort who knows a lot about music and how to adjust it so it can be at its best during a show. A musician Will have meetings and one-on-one sessions with the musical director to work on music pieces, receive feedback and check that the musician is keeping on target. The musical director will also pass on ideas or problems that have risen trot any meetings between directors and producers, Actor/Actress. 2] An actor communicates a character and/or situations to an audience through speech, movement and body language. It usually involves interpreting the work of a writer, normally with the help and instruction of a director, although they may devise their own character or improvise with a character as a reaction to the audiences reactions. An actors work varies enormously, from live Stage performances, community theater, soap operas, radio work and film and TV parts. Typical work activities can include; Liaising with an agent, Job seeking and networking, Preparing for and attending auditions, Learning lines and rehearsing, Research for a part, Performing for a live audience, performing in a studio or on location film for film, television, internet and radio broadcast, Doing Voice-over for advertisements or recording daybooks, Liaising with venue managers and accommodation providers. An Actor/Actress can work closely with; The Director _ The Director will be the one vivo instructs the performers on what kind of thing he/she wants. Fifth Director doesnt like a piece then he shall talk to the Actor and they will have to adapt it. The Director likes to keep updated on the performers and will often have meetings with them to check their progress. If an Actor has any ideas or inquiries they can talk With the Director about them. Musicians/Singers/Dancers. Fellow performers may be on Stage While the Actor is also performing, this means they will share rehearsals together and generally performers spend time backstage with each other, especially if they are touring with each other. They may also give each other feedback, and constructive criticisms which will help improve the individuals performance which will boost the whole shows performance, Script Writer. The script writer will be the person who has the image of a character or scene in their head while writing the script. The script writer would discuss the characters or scene with the Actor to make sure that it follows what they want or imagined. The script writer may change the script as well, and an Actor with any problems about the script can approach the writer to sort it out. Dancer. Dancers portray character, story, situation or abstract concept to an audience through movement, body language and gestures. This normally involves interpreting the work of a choreographer or artist. Dancers work in a variety of genres such as, classical ballet, contemporary, street dance and Asian dance are just a few of many examples of these genres. They can perform to a live audience or take part in a recorded performance for TV, Film or a music video. Typical work activities for a Dancer includes; Preparing for performances by rehearsing and exercising, Perform to live audiences or for Television, Film and music productions, Create choreography and perform it, Looking after costumes, Liaising with an agent. A Dancer can work closely with; Musicians/Singers/Actors. Fellow performers may be on stage while the Dancer the whole shows performance. Choreographer _ The choreographer Of the production Will be the Dancers instructor. They will teach the dances and help get the Dancer ready to perform it on stage. The choreographer Will be the one that has been briefed by the Producer and Director on the image and mood of the production. Then a choreographer Will take that information, construct a dance piece and teach it to the Dancer. They will work very closely together for pretty much the whole production. Changes may be made to a dance at the very last minuet. Theater stage manager. A Theater stage manager coordinates all aspects of a theater company to sure the successful delivery of the performance, This involves many duties such as, managing rehearsals, actors, staff as well as liaising with the front of house staff and director, They need to have a good understanding of both the technical and artistic side of a performance so they can ensure the performance is delivered to the directors requirements. Depending on the size of the show a theater stage manager could be working on their own in a small company, and have assistants and deputy stage manager for larger productions. Typical work activities for a Theater stage manager include; Setting up and running rehearsal schedules, Procuring props, sets and furniture, Arranging costume fittings, Distributing information to other related departments in the production process, Supervising the loading Of equipment and set during the get in and the get out. , Making changes to set, prompting actors and cuing other technicians, Running backstage and onstage during performances, Liaising with the director, and other technical departments, If touring they would need to Liaise with resident staff and other performance venues. A Theater Stage manager can work closely with; Actor. During a show the Theater Stage manager will be in charge of running back stage and on stage. This involves looking after the dressing rooms in which the actors will be getting ready. The manager will need to make sure everyone is behaving and that all is going k. Psychology - Parietal Lobe EssayThey arrange funding for each project and are responsible to keeping within that budget. Typical work activities for a producer include; Rains the funding for projects, Reading, researching and assessing different ideas and scripts for future productions, Build and develop a network of contacts, Hiring key staff, including a director and crew to shoot films or videos, Controlling the budget and allocating resources, Troubleshooting, Holding regular meetings with the director to discuss characters and scenes, Acting as a sounding board for the director. A Producer can work closely with; Director. The producer will hire a Director when they have a project that they want to do. When they find a Director they like the Producer will ask the Director to help them put on this production. There will be many meetings between the two of them as they work out a plan, decide on other people to help and then start looking for a cast. The Director and Producer will be Very close, especially in the start up, even they hold meetings with other designers and managers. When the production Starts rehearsing then the producer Will take a Step back and check up on it often via the Director who will give updates. Often Directors and Producers get so close in their time during a project that they often stick together, and if the Producer needs a Director they will go with the same one. Marketing manager. The producer often gets involved in the admit side of a production. As they control the budget its understandable that they might as well control other admit aspects. So the producer might get involved with the advertising and helping with the strategies that the Marketing manager should use to effectively advertise the production, A producer has often got a head for business, thats why they get inveigled with producing so a producer should be able to work with the Marketing manager quite well to do some advertising. Box office staff. Box office staff work at cinemas, theaters and concert halls, They are responsible for taking bookings, reservations and payments for tickets. They will act as stewards and direct people to their seats, as well as advising seating for certain people with disabilities or special needs. Box office staff need to be flexible as they may be asked to work in the Cafe, or bar at the theater, or asana usher. Typical activities for Box Office staff would include; Taking telephone bookings and ticket purchases, Dealing with enquirers about seating and ticket prices, Issuing tickets on the performance night, Selling programs and other merchandise, Ensuring the security of the box office. Box office staff can work closely with; Theater manager. The theater managerial be the one who trains, oversees and helps with the Box office work, They will be the one to decided who gets employed, they will probably train them themselves and then will have regular checks with the staff to make sure they are k, Every now and then the Theater manager will have a meeting with each of the staff members to check up on them and see how things are going. If there are any problems the staff can go to the Theater manager to bring up the problem. Marketing manager, A marketing manager is in charge of the marketing side off production. They are in charge of raising the profile of the company and production. They use above and below the line marketing techniques to advertise the production. By sing T. V. And Radio they can advertise on a large scale, covering a wide range Of potential audience members, in order to make them want to watch the show. Designing and using posters, fliers, mail and email can direct the advertising to a local level. Working to get the local people to come and watch the production. They may work with other people, or if it is a small company they may work alone, Some theaters have their own Marketing manager and have them advertise the productions that dont have their own marketing team. For bigger scale production the marketing manager of the theater would liaison with the many marketing team to work out advertising strategies. A touring company may have their own marketing manager touring with them. Typical activities of a Marketing manager may include; Devise and implement strategic plans to effectively advertise productions, Design adverts, fliers and posters. Write emails and direct mail. Oversee any assistants they may have, Produce broaches for theaters and programs for productions. Liaison with the media to inform and advertise and be the main point of contact with the media. Research audience and data capture, to keep the advertising standards at a high laity and effectiveness. A Marketing Manager can work closely With; Director. The Director Will want to brief the marketing manager on the kind Of advertising the show wants, as well as plans for the programs. The marketing manager will listen to the Director, go away and design strategies, programs, posters and other forms of advertising, and then take it back to the Director for them to be checked. If the Director likes them then the Marketing manager can get on and do her job, if he doesnt like them they will go away, re-do it and then talk to the Director again to see if he likes it. They will do this until the Director likes everything they have come up with. Then they can get on with advertising the shows. Media. The media, such as journalists, may want to get a scope on the production.

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